Getting an A/B note modification is only half the battle

Getting an A/B note modification is only half the battle

– by Kevin Duty As a relatively recent development in the world of CMBS loan workouts, the A/B note bifurcation has quickly developed into a “win-win” strategy for Lenders and Borrowers alike. The A/B note allows a borrower to make debt service payments on,...
Hide and Go Seek

Hide and Go Seek

The quest to find properties in a CMBS world   There has not been an instance in any other market where capital was so desperately needed, capital was so readily available and the two couldn’t find a way to meet. Why is that the case in CMBS? There are plenty of...
Pookey’s Plug

Pookey’s Plug

My name is Pookey and I am the Good Spirit Officer for the company meaning I am supposed to keep the employee’s spirits in good shape!  It is really important that our employees stay positive because our customers often come to us very defeated.  I hear sadness and...
Pit Crew

Pit Crew

– by Steve Banegas   The NASCAR series, the Indianapolis 500, Formula racing…all very exciting events in the sport of auto racing! If you asked the average person who is the most important to the success of a race, you would most likely hear the race car...
I’ve got the Maturing Loan Blues

I’ve got the Maturing Loan Blues

by Kevin Duty – These days, a common topic of conversation amongst CMBS Industry participants is the “Coming Wave of Maturities”. Approximately $600 Billion of CMBS loans will mature during 2015, 2016 and 2017. A the current rate of issuance, it is estimated...
Bed Bugs and CMBS

Bed Bugs and CMBS

by Ann Hambly – I just hosted a webinar titled “CMBS Bed Bugs.” This one was not recorded due to the controversial topics covered in the webinar. So, for those of you who missed it, I want to explain what the heck bed bugs and CMBS loans have in common before...