The 3 Types of COVID relief for CMBS Borrowers

October, 2020

by: Ann Hambly

These are just guidelines. There are no standard packages being offered and all require extensive and time consuming negotiations.  Your CMBS advisor will share with you the recent deals approved and guide you to the most effective resolution for your deal.

There are three primary types of COVID relief being granted for CMBS loans:

Type 1: Performing loan consent

  • Utilization of reserves for up to 3 months debt service payments
  • Only for loans that are paid current
  • Only for loans where there are sufficient funds in reserves
  • All deferred funds have to be paid back
  • Typical fees = approximately $20,000

Type 2: Short term deferral

  • Deferral of approximately 6 months debt service payments
  • Only for loans that have been transferred to the special servicer
  • All deferred funds have to be guaranteed and paid back
  • No standard fees but they can range from $20,000 – .5% of the balance of the loan

Type 3: Modification of loan

  • Longer term modification of loan terms
  • May include reduction of payment terms through 2021
  • May include some form of debt deferral (via a hope note) in instances where there is a valuation issue
  • No standard fees but they generally range from .5% – 1% of the balance of the loan